Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Meeting this Sunday...

Photo by Sydney Carty (SydneyCarty Photography©)

Our next meeting will is this Sunday, the 21st April when Vari McLuskie will be visiting us and talking about the three Dharma Seals. We hope that everyone can make it and newcomers are always welcome.

If you have not meditated before, please feel free to arrive a few minutes early so that we can walk you through it. As always, as long as you can sit, stand or lie down and breathe - then you can meditate!!! =D

We hope to see you there!!! =D

1 comment:

  1. It was a good meeting, quite well attended, beautiful to spend a morning in the country with the sun shining and animals making animal noises outside the meditation hall. We talked about the three Dharma Seals, Impermanence, Interbeing (or Non-Self) and Nirvana. Talking about impermanence, Vari quoted from a recent Radio 4 interview with the guitarist Wilco Johnson who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Worth a listen
